вторник, 13 ноября 2018 г.

MALL, QR-codes and Quizlet

There are several principles of MALL:

  • The mobility of the lerner (we could learn across different locations and social contexts)
  • The informal atmosphere of lerning process can be combined with learning in a class
  • Gamification of learning

Have you heard about QR-codes?

I have some ideas of how to use them in language teaching or learning:
1) We can use it in our student's books just to save space or provide student with some extra material on this theme. 
2) We can use them in our presentations in order to provide everyone with the material on his /her own smartphone.
3) I like the idea of creating some quest-games using QR-code. I think it may be really interesting.


You don't know how to learn the words to your school dictation? So, Quizlet will help you!
You can find here an example of what does it look like.

четверг, 8 ноября 2018 г.

Where to find free courses?

Have you herd about MOOCs? 

They are open free courses divoted to different spheres of life aimed at teaching people something new. 
I think, this issue is very topical, because nowadays it's very important to develop yourself every day and improve your skills to stay compertitive at your career sphere. Each employer wants to hire the most educated person. But we don't have enough time in our stressful life to study at university or attend courses. And such massive open online courses may help you to solve this problem. You may also use them as a hobby if you have a need of learning something new every day. I really liked the site coursera. The design is very convinient and it's easy to find the course you like.P.s. there are many english teaching courses created by different universities all over the world.

вторник, 6 ноября 2018 г.

My WIKI experience

I've read about TEFLPedia
This site was created as a free resourse for teachers of English. It contains great amounts of information on diffetent themes (phonetics, converversation questions, exercises, lesson plans etc.).
And the most important possibility is the everyone's ability of adding and editing pages. There is a Newcomer's guide for everyone who has never tried working with a wiki, so it's really easy to start.
There's a talk-page where you can find lots of debates starded by any English teacher in the world, so that you can collect expirience of your foreign collegues and share your own.

From my poin of view, the sourse is especially useful for practicing teachers who need to create a new lesson on a special theme. They can swiftly find any good material of even a plan of a lesson using Search box, so that they will save their time.

четверг, 1 ноября 2018 г.

How to collect people's opinion?

 There're several sites using which you can create your own poll.
  • My Test

- I found the design of the programm quite old-fashioned and unfriendly. 
+ There is a great variaty of types of questions (open, clozes, etc.)
+ The teacher can observe the process of student's doing a task
+ Student can't close the window with the task until he finishes it, so it may solve the problem of cheating using browser and Internet.

  • Google forms 

    + I think this site is the easiest way of creating a poll
    + The site looks much more up-to-date
    + Teacher can get the stasistics of his poll and see what questions were the most difficult 
    + It's possible to edit your test both via computer and mobile form


    + It's my favourite! The design is so minimalistic and adorable.
    + It's easy to create your own activity
    + There're mobile versions in AppStore and PlayMarket both for students and teachers, so it works on computers, laptops, tablets, and phones.
    + Teachers can review student understanding at the class, individual student, or question-level. And, because each Socrative report is saved to their account, they can quickly download, email, or transfer reports to Google Drive anytime.

    I suggest you answer my polls


    Some statistics