вторник, 13 ноября 2018 г.

MALL, QR-codes and Quizlet

There are several principles of MALL:

  • The mobility of the lerner (we could learn across different locations and social contexts)
  • The informal atmosphere of lerning process can be combined with learning in a class
  • Gamification of learning

Have you heard about QR-codes?

I have some ideas of how to use them in language teaching or learning:
1) We can use it in our student's books just to save space or provide student with some extra material on this theme. 
2) We can use them in our presentations in order to provide everyone with the material on his /her own smartphone.
3) I like the idea of creating some quest-games using QR-code. I think it may be really interesting.


You don't know how to learn the words to your school dictation? So, Quizlet will help you!
You can find here an example of what does it look like.

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