четверг, 1 ноября 2018 г.

How to collect people's opinion?

 There're several sites using which you can create your own poll.
  • My Test

- I found the design of the programm quite old-fashioned and unfriendly. 
+ There is a great variaty of types of questions (open, clozes, etc.)
+ The teacher can observe the process of student's doing a task
+ Student can't close the window with the task until he finishes it, so it may solve the problem of cheating using browser and Internet.

  • Google forms 

    + I think this site is the easiest way of creating a poll
    + The site looks much more up-to-date
    + Teacher can get the stasistics of his poll and see what questions were the most difficult 
    + It's possible to edit your test both via computer and mobile form


    + It's my favourite! The design is so minimalistic and adorable.
    + It's easy to create your own activity
    + There're mobile versions in AppStore and PlayMarket both for students and teachers, so it works on computers, laptops, tablets, and phones.
    + Teachers can review student understanding at the class, individual student, or question-level. And, because each Socrative report is saved to their account, they can quickly download, email, or transfer reports to Google Drive anytime.

    I suggest you answer my polls


    Some statistics