вторник, 6 ноября 2018 г.

My WIKI experience

I've read about TEFLPedia
This site was created as a free resourse for teachers of English. It contains great amounts of information on diffetent themes (phonetics, converversation questions, exercises, lesson plans etc.).
And the most important possibility is the everyone's ability of adding and editing pages. There is a Newcomer's guide for everyone who has never tried working with a wiki, so it's really easy to start.
There's a talk-page where you can find lots of debates starded by any English teacher in the world, so that you can collect expirience of your foreign collegues and share your own.

From my poin of view, the sourse is especially useful for practicing teachers who need to create a new lesson on a special theme. They can swiftly find any good material of even a plan of a lesson using Search box, so that they will save their time.

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